Watch my talk about state management in large applications // Svelte Summit 2022
Built website for Blockchain organization at Georgia Tech
Created a smart home product that integrates with Spotify and a Shazam API to showcase album covers
Designed and created a machine that sorted skittles by color, using Arduinos, CAD, and python.
Developed web application for 450+ students to take math competition using web sockets, Node, and Airtable
An efficient, custom-made, and precise subwoofer that shakes the whole building
Raster is a powerful photo manager
Worked with Monogram & Vercel to build
An equalizer made using biquad filters with the goal of damping sound resonance.
Spoke about building enterprise grade applications with Svelte and SvelteKit
Built high-performant React Native app and backend with a team of developers and designers
A website made for IMSA students to fiddle with all tests, quizzes, and assignments for any class
A Machine Learning powered insult generator built on social media insults and Tensorflow
A small project compiling data across all NCAA tournament games in history
Created several web applications and online stores using Stripe for IMSA community members.
Simulation to test the best position to start in, during any spoons game. Visualizations with ChartJS.
Built sites for Smart Farm (a nonprofit farm) to track volunteers, visitors, and plant harvests
Analyzed religion as seen through ancient writings and plays to learn about Greek philosophy.
Created and published shape-calculating app with over 2500 downloads in more than 80 countries.
Analyzed US Census Data for access to park across communities. Presented research at conference.
Created for students to view grade data gathered via a FOIA request
Built web and mobile app for Motherhood Beyond Bars nonprofit
Worked with Blockchain at GT to build Web3ATL's digital experience